Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Scarf

My words can say just some, and not the whole,
for though you'll listen closely, I still fear
my words will speak my mind and not my soul
and how then could you ever see things clearly?

I'll try to tell you my dear, my heart.
I'll let loose words of life, and love, and loss.
So when it's time for two like us to part,
these words will keep my heart from getting lost.

Please, when you go, remember what I say
and wrap this 'round your hair, near your ears.
I hope my words will bring you back someday.
This cloth can help to wipe away the tears.

Though it seems you wear it all the while--
Those words are lost; the scarf just fits your style.

15 Years at Cafe *****

Yellow school ship
passes the window
distant conversations
over modern pop
music... a Taste--
Earth... from Indonesia
burnt to just past its peak

firm seat on a tan stage
a Headache--
three chairs pushed
away from a small round table
a pretty girl doing homework
wearing a lip ring!

shades of brown swirls
on my cup
More headache--
old people on new comp-
" dad was high..."
the air smells clean
--I don't feel clean
the table doesn't either
"I [something something] probation!"
that's a lot of stuff
for one person to carry
new art up
green and yellow walls
back "the Star motel"
it doesn't look like a nice place--
Clean rooms, HBO, Low prices
--off axis views
15 Years at *****
doesn't seem like I've been here that long
--Still have a headache

Monday, May 10, 2010

Voyeuristic Reminiscence

I prefer to watch happiness through a glass window.
Physically seeing the barrier between us and placing my hands
on the smooth, cold surface--crystal hardness pressing back;
gentle light coolly shining through, illuminating my face.

On the other side of that window is dancing smiling celebration--
jubilation for a union, a birth, life and loving in the same snapping
dance steps and parachuting skirts of spinning young fairies,
their delicate wings appearing and disappearing in the glittering light.

The wine is poured freely on the other side of this window.
Red cheeked men are patting shoulders and poking ribs with pudgy
elbows and sweaty palms. Bellies jiggling every which way.
Wide creases pushing back thick, shaking jowls.

Pearly white lilies match perfectly the smiling teeth
of a pair of elegant women in golden embroidered dresses.
A red stain forgotten on a pluming dancers skirt--
wispy brown hairs decidedly no longer out of place.

Hidden under a table, a young boy in a handed down suit
is red faced and sweating after his first kiss was laid on his cheek
by a little girl in ruby red shoes who still dances on her fathers toes.
A peck I could still feel burning on my face after so many years.

There were purple flowers

There were purple flowers
growing all along the bank of the river
as I floated with the swift moving current
I dream't slow motion dreams
of putting purple flowers in your hair
adding them to The Dream--
a dream of dreams atop dreams
continuing, growing, changing
but there are always purple flowers
growing along the banks of this river
the kind we used to keep in the kitchen
in springtime, when everything was growing